Archives: Sponsors
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Society of China University Journals (CUJS)
China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
As the largest non-governmental organization of scientific and technological professionals in China, the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) serves as a bridge that links the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government to the country’s science and technology community. Through its 210 national member societies and local branches all over the country, CAST maintains close ties with millions of Chinese scientists, engineers and other professionals working in the fields of science and technology.
Charleston Hub
The Charleston Conference is an informal annual gathering of librarians, publishers, electronic resource managers, consultants, and vendors of library materials in Charleston, SC, in November, to discuss issues of importance to them all.
It is designed to be a collegial gathering of individuals from different areas who discuss the same issues in a non-threatening, friendly, and highly informal environment.
Presidents of companies discuss and debate with library directors, acquisitions librarians, reference librarians, serials librarians, collection development librarians, and many, many others. Begun in 1980, the Charleston Conference has grown from 20 participants in 1980 to thousands in 2021.
World Scientific Publishing
World Scientific Publishing was established in 1981 with only 5 employees in a tiny office. Today, the company employs more than 200 staff at its headquarters in Singapore and 450 globally. It has offices in New Jersey, London, Geneva, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chennai. In about 3 decades, it has established itself as one of the leading scientific publishers in the world, and the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region. World Scientific publishes about 600 new titles a year and 130 journals in various fields.
Prophy is a referee finder utilizing a collection of 120M+ articles. It automatically creates a profile for every scientist, and rank them according to their semantic similarity to a refereed manuscript or proposal. Referee recommendations are based on AI and not just keywords.