STM Day 2 US Annual Virtual Conference: Innovations Day 2020

What the user wants: smarter data, smarter machines, smarter science

Thursday, April 30th, 2020

***Please note: recordings of STM virtual events will only be made available to registered attendees

This year’s Innovations Day is completely dedicated to the user. In our data-driven world where artificial intelligence rules, individual users can be served in a personalised way with precision information that suits their exact research needs. Users will become a source of data themselves, with AI-algorithms predicting what they will want, need, and which research projects they should pursue. The user can be seen as the  pivot point within a knowledge graph in which many research outputs and artefacts are connected worldwide.

At the same time the user demands and deserves to be safe in terms of data protection and personal privacy, against continuous internet surveillance and autonomous algorithms.  Avoiding digital dictatorships, data colonies and biotech surveillance is fundamental to an enhanced user experience.

From the lure of the algorithm, to where things might go wrong with a data-driven Internet, STM’s Innovations Day will explore paradigms lost and paradigms regaines with a deep dive into unlocking the new potential of research data.

The program will commence with the launch of the latest edition of the annual STM tech trends – don’t miss this future forecast of what will influence our publishing world over the next 4 years. 

Programme (Timings subject to slight change)


Virtual conference login


Opening: IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Elsevier & chairman of STM’s Standards and Technology Executive Committee and STM’s Future Lab Forum


Launch: STM’s Tech Trends 2024

Connecting the dots: It’s all about the user

Presented by Eefke Smit, Director for Standards and Technology, STM Association

STM is launching its annual forecast of technology trends impacting scholarly communications and the STM industry. Come and hear what is new in the future vision of STM’s future lab forum and how you can prepare for it. This year it is all about connecting the dots in a smart way, to deliver the users exactly what they want and need. The new generation of digital natives defines the new user and they do things differently, with a strong demand for trust and ethics, especially when AI and data are involved.


The User is now central; What these tech trends mean for your business

Roundtable: Moderated by Chris Kenneally, Director content marketing,Copyright Clearance Center, (CCC)

In talk-show style, we will be discussing the new Tech Trends with a round table of 5 tech-savvy representatives of STM publishing houses.

You can hear the views of

Renny Guida, Director of Product Management, IEEE

Liz Marchant, Life & Earth Science Director (Journals), Taylor & Francis

Sameer Shariff, CEO, Impelsys

Heather Ruland Staines, Head of Partnerships, Knowledge Futures Group


Break & networking


US Launch of the STM 2020 Research Data Year: Share – Link – Cite

Round table discussion, moderated by Joris van Rossum, Research Data Director, STM Association

Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, Publisher, Open Research,  PLoS

David Mellor, Director of Policy Initiatives, Center for Open Science

Michael F. Huerta, PhD, Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Associate Director, National Library of Medicine, NIH

Deborah Sweet, Vice President Editorial, Cell Press

STM has dedicated 2020 to be its Research Data Year. More and more research funders want their grantees to share their research data when reporting about the project. Publishers can play a pivotal role in enabling research data to be made available, linked to publications, and cited – to give researchers recognition for sharing their data and to help them comply with funders requirements on sharing data. A round table of US research funders and experienced publishers in this area will discuss effective ways to do this, and some of the lessons learned. To share good practice with other publishers. This session is part of STM’s Research Data Year.

11:00 a renewed urgency for good remote access

Ralph Youngen, Senior Director of Technology Strategy and Partnerships, American Chemical Society

After three years of intensive collaboration with over 60 organisations worldwide from a wide variety of stakeholder groups, the service is now up and running!  SeamlessAccess brings a single-sign-on solution for remote access that greatly improves the user experience for any service using the federated identity management (FIM) infrastructure. This session will explain how this new service enables secure and privacy-protected access to academic resources.

Come to learn more about both services and find out how you can implement them.


Break & networking


AI, Data and The lure of the algorithm: Fairness in data science versus the danger of the autonomous bias

Moderated by Chris Graf, Director, Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics, Wiley

Keynote, Julia Stoyanovich, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Tandon School of Engineering, Assistant Professor of Data Science, Center for Data Science, New York University.

Data science promises to improve people’s lives, accelerate scientific discovery and innovation, and bring about positive societal change. Yet, if not used responsibly, this same technology can reinforce inequity, limit accountability, and infringe on the privacy of individuals. In my talk I will give an overview of the “Data, Responsibly” project that aims to operationalize ethics and legal compliance in data science systems.  In particular, I will speak about my involvement in efforts to regulate the use of data science and AI in New York City, and about the imperative to establish a broad and inclusive educational agenda around responsible data science.

Followed by a panel discussion:

Mercè Crosas, University Research Data Management Officer and Chief Data Science and Technology Officer (Institute for Quantitative Social Science), Harvard University

Julia Stoyanovich, Data Scientists, New York University

Jabe Wilson, PhD MBA, Elsevier, Global Director Data & Analytics


Break & networking


Internet paradigms lost, Internet paradigms regained

Moderated by Kent Anderson, The Geyser/ Caldera

Phaedra Cress, Executive Editor, The Aesthetic Society

Josh Nicholson, CEO,

Where has the internet gone that we once loved and still love ? How did it evaporate while Big Tech developed their ubiquitous platforms, surveilling us, crunching data about us, steering us in pre-determined directions, with a luring promise of autonomy while building data colonies and facilitating digital dictatorships ? More important: how to recover from this ?

In this session with a deeper take-home message, Kent Anderson will discuss how a second-level of Internet innovation is needed, geared explicitly to help the Internet recover as a safe, helpful, useful, and secure place for people to share ideas, communicate, and collaborate.


Close of conference by IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, chairman of STM STEC and Future Lab Forum and Ian Moss, Chief Executive Officer, STM Association


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