A maximum of six (6) members elected to designated seats representing the following defined member groups and/or career stage group:

  • Small companies (Fee categories 0-3);
  • Medium companies (Fee categories 4 – 6 the revenue limit shall be set by the STM Board from time-to-time; at date of ratification of these by-laws it is presently under €100 million);
  • Large companies the revenue limit shall be set by the STM Board from time-to-time; at date of ratification of these by-laws it is presently over €100 million;
  • Not-for-profit organizations/society publishers, university presses and non- governmental organizations;
  • Non US, non Europe based companies;
  • Early Career Publisher. A candidate who is not in a senior management position and who has yet to complete ten full years in the STM publishing industry at the time of the election and who aspires to publishing leadership in the future;

The duties of the STM Board shall include:

  • The implementation of the aims and objectives of the Association and the execution of the will of the Annual General Meeting (AGM);
  • The supervision of the work of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Treasurer;
  • The control of the administrative and financial statements and the administration as trustees of the funds of the Association;
  • Review and approval of the Association’s annual budget;
  • Report to the membership on the financial status annually;
  • The receipt of proposals for and the nomination of members to the STM Board;
  • The nomination and election of officers of the Association;
  • The appointment of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association;
  • The determination of the annual membership fees;
  • The formation, should the need arise, of ad-hoc task forces, commissioned to prepare reports on specific problems of importance to the Association;
  • The formulation of proposals to be submitted for approval to the AGM.

Any questions, please contact Kim Beadle