GetFTR Collaboration

GetFTR is a publisher-led community initiative that streamlines the researcher journey by checking permissions, directly with the publisher, at the point of discovery and that facilitates access directly to the article or book chapter the researcher wants to read. Links are returned for open access, free and entitled subscription content, supporting ever greater dissemination of research to a global community. STM supports this work through STM Solutions.


Our work with Seamless Access

SeamlessAccess is a cross-stakeholder collaborative initiative that is designed to help foster a more streamlined online access experience when using scholarly collaboration tools, information resources, and shared research infrastructure. The service promotes digital authentication leveraging an existing single-sign-on infrastructure through one’s home institution, while maintaining an environment that protects personal data and privacy. STM supports this work through STM Solutions.


The Article Sharing Framework

Simple Content Sharing — consistent with publisher policies. STM’s Article Sharing Framework (ASF) offers us the technical processes that enable content sharing in ways that are simple and seamless, yet compliant with the EU Digital Single Market.


Researcher Identity

Improving verification of researchers’ identities in publication systems is expected to enhance research integrity and effectively mitigate some of the current challenges facing the system — see what the Researcher Identity Task & Finish Group is up to.


The Latest from STM


Your feedback needed! Help us make it easier to classify content based on SDGs

We’re excited to share a new tool we’re developing — the SDG Classifier Demonstrator, designed to support social responsibility by helping you align content with the SDGs. It’s a consistent, transparent framework for categorising content based on SDG targets, making it more discoverable and impactful. The SDG Classifier uses a pre-configured algorithm to evaluate content against specific…


Obituary: Lex Lefebvre 1946 – 2024, a true diplomat

It is with great sadness that, just before Christmas, we learned of the death of Lex Lefebvre at the age of 78. Lex was, for a long time, leader of the International STM Association and of the IPRO organization. Trained as a bookseller and publisher in France and Austria, Lex joined STM in 1992 after…


Happy holidays, STM!

What a year it’s been! 2024 saw STM members and chapters across the globe working together to drive our new strategic priorities forward, fueling innovation and advancing trusted research. This brief STM Rewind captures just a few highlights from 2024—a quick look at the meaningful impacts, achievements, and progress we’ve collectively accomplished. Thank you to…


New research paper highlights key questions to tackle the growing threat of paper mills

Research paper mills — covert organizations that produce fraudulent manuscripts for profit — pose a significant threat to science and scholarship. These unethical entities scale their operations using AI, sell authorship positions, and manipulate peer review, eroding trust in research and slowing progress in critical areas such as innovation, healthcare, and policy.  United2Act — a…