By providing an accessible, pre-configured algorithm, the tool aims to lower entry barriers, facilitate collaboration, and enhance the visibility of research through the SDG lens. The tool evaluates text against two independently developed sets of Boolean queries from leading bibliometrics companies, based on the specific targets of each SDG, rather than their broad names. It returns the number and name of all SDGs an article matches (from a binary decision of match or no match).

With this initiative, STM seeks to enable consistent SDG content tagging across publishers, support its members in fulfilling their SDG commitments, and contribute to a stronger social responsibility profile across the research ecosystem.

We invite STM Publishers and other stakeholders to test the tool below using sample content and provide feedback.

Simply add an article title and abstract using the fields below. The results will display on the pane to the right. Please give it a few seconds to do its work.



  • response will show here once submitted