The Early Career Publishers Committee comprises publishers from STM member companies interested in promoting outreach and engagement with entry-level and experienced publishers.
We’re interested in learning more about you, your career and your aspirations within the publishing industry to tailor our offer directly to your needs.
Any STM member organization can put forward colleagues for inclusion on the ECPC, and the committee size varies. Members are limited to two representatives from one geographical area and three total representatives each.
Early Career Professionals are defined by ECPC as anyone with ~0-10 years’ experience in the industry- age is not a factor. The ECPC does include some mid-career professionals as well.
If someone volunteers to participate in the ECPC they agree to work actively on assigned projects for a minimum of one year. All members are expected to assist with the Mentorship Scheme administration and one TFG. The lift is typically 2-5 hours per month including monthly committee and project calls which members are expected to participate in unless excused. Occasionally, the committee works on more robust initiatives which may require additional work hours.