Yasushi Ogasaka

Yasushi Ogasaka is Director of the Department for Information Infrastructure at Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), where he is responsible for information services such as open-access journal platform (J-STAGE) and researcher database (researchmap). He is also responsible for development and implementation of policy on open access to funded research article and data.
Yasushi Ogasaka joined JST in 2009. He has been working on the management of several public funding programs such as Strategic Basic Sciences Programs (ERATO, CREST, PRESTO), Technology Transfer Program and Special Program for Regenerative medicine using iPS cells, before he was appointed to the present position in 2015.
Before joining JST, Yasushi Ogasaka was Assistant Professor of Nagoya University, Japan. His research area was high energy astrophysics, in particular investigation of the origin of the Cosmic X-ray Background Radiation and development of X-ray telescopes. Prior to his academic career, he graduated from Gakushuin University, Tokyo Japan and received PhD. in physics in 1996.
J-STAGE: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse
researchmap: http://researchmap.jp/
JST Open Science Policy: http://www.jst.go.jp/EN/about/openscience/index.html