Steven Bachrach
Steven Bachrach is the Dr. D. R. Semmes Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Vice-President for Special Projects at Trinity University in San Antonio TX. His research interests are in computational organic chemistry where he has published over 120 articles and is the author of the monograoh Computational Organic Chemistry. In conjunction with that book, he authors a blog ( that provides continuing updates to the book as new relevant articles are published. Steven has been involved in exploring the use of the Internet as a means for chemistry communication since 1994. He has organized electronic conferences, edited the book The Internet: A Guide for Chemists, published widely on the issues of the revolution of communication afforded by the Internet, and was the founder and editor-in-chief of the pioneering journal Internet Journal of Chemistry. He authored the Trinity University Open Access policy. Steven served on the advisory board for PubChem, the editorial board for the Trinity University Press, and is a member of the IUPAC Committee on Printed and Electronic Publications.