Stacy Scott

In my professional and voluntary roles, I undertake substantial work advocating for access to inclusion and equality in education for those with sight loss and other print disabilities, at both a national and international level. My work centres around working with stakeholders, publishers and content producers, to ensure that those with disabilities have equal and unhindered access to the content they need, be it for education, work or leisure.
Until recently, I led the RNIB Bookshare UK Education Collection service which provides accessible, digital educational materials to learners with print disabilities; working directly with over 1,100 publishing partners; providing a growing collection of near 700,000 titles in accessible formats. In addition I manage all publisher relationships across the RNIB library and Reading Services platforms, enhancing the collections to provide audiobooks in a variety of accessible formats.
I now work for Taylor And Francis as accessibility manager. I am responsible for ensuring accessibility across all T&F platforms, content and ensuring our knowledge remains current and compliant, across everything we do. My role includes working with other publishers, platform providers and our staff and customers, to ensure an inclusive experience for all.
I am passionate about ensuring that those with different needs are afforded the same access and opportunities as all other members of society. I serve on various boards and committees, including the UK Parliament as part of its Regional Stakeholder Network, in which I campaign to MPs for policies that will address the needs of people with disabilities, to bring about effective and lasting change.
I am also delighted to bring my knowledge and personal and professional experience as Chair of the Accessibility Action Group for the Publishers Association UK
As a person who is blind, completed a degree in Mathematics, and developed a successful career, I am well aware of the challenges disabled people face, particularly when it comes to equal access to education. However, I have also seen much positive change and the benefits that key developments have brought. I am forever dedicated to advocating for these positive developments, ensuring that every person with a need has an equal voice in society and this passion has been key in steering my career.