Sophia Ananiadou

Sophia Ananiadou is Director of the National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM), and Professor in Text Mining in the School of Computer Science, University of Manchester. She is the main designer of the text-mining tools and services currently used in NaCTeM, i.e. terminology management, information extraction, intelligent searching, and association mining. Her research projects include text mining-based visualisation of biochemical networks, data integration using text mining, building biolexica, and automatic event extraction of bioprocesses. She is involved in UKPMC providing advanced text mining functionalities to improve search (EvidenceFinder). She has been awarded the Daiwa Adrian prize (2004) and the IBM UIMA innovation award (2006,2007,2008) for her leading work on text-mining tools in biomedicine. She has over 160 publications in journals, conferences and books.

The National Centre for Text Mining (, hosted by the School of Computer Science University of Manchester, is the world’s first publicly funded such centre, sponsored by the UK JISC  since 2004. NaCTeM develops text mining tools, resources and services for various research communities, with a particular emphasis in biomedical text mining.