Rikke Ogawa
Rikke Ogawa is Team Leader for Research, Instruction and Collection Services (RICS) at the UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. In addition to being the liaison to the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry and the primary collection development librarian, she supervises RICS librarians, library science graduate students and the general running of the RICS department. Rikke served on the Board of Directors of the Medical Library Association from 2010 to 2013. She also co-convened the Western Group on Education Affairs’ Libraries in Medical Education group and has served in various capacities in both the Northern California Nevada Medical Library Group and the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona. Her professional interests are scholarly communications, project management and leadership development in libraries. When not busy in the library world, she keeps busy chasing after her toddler, trying to practice her foreign language skills, or cheering for her UCLA Bruins in any sport they play.