Paul Groth

Paul Groth is Disruptive Technology Director at Elsevier Labs.
He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southampton (2007) and has done research at the University of Southern California and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
His research focuses on dealing with large amounts of diverse contextualized knowledge with a particular focus on the web and science applications. This includes research in data provenance, data science, data integration and knowledge sharing.
He lead architecture development for the Open PHACTS drug discovery data integration platform. Paul was co-chair of the W3C Provenance Working Group that created a standard for provenance interchange. He is co-author of “Provenance: an Introduction to PROV” and “The Semantic Web Primer: 3rd Edition” as well as numerous academic articles.
He blogs at You can find him on twitter: @pgroth