James R. Mouw
James R. Mouw is Assistant Director for Technical and Electronic Services at The University of Chicago and has previously held positions at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Gardner-Webb College in North Carolina. He is also adjunct professor at Dominican University School of Library and Information Science (formerly Rosary College) where he teaches classes on serials management and academic library administration. Mr. Mouw holds a B.A. in Music from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan and an MLS from Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. An active member of ALA and ALCTS, he is past-chair of the Acquisitions Section of ALCTS, and is a member of numerous ALA and ALCTS committees. Mouw is a regular contributor to library journals, focusing on issues related to the acquisition of serial titles and the linking of electronic resources. His most recent interests include the development and delivery of e-books, library standards, licensing, and faceted browse interfaces. He is a frequent presenter at library conferences, including the Charleston Conference, NISO meetings and the Society for Scholarly Publishing. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Library Collections Acquisitions and Technical Services and was previously a member of the editorial board of Serials Review. He is a member of several publisher, vendor and information industry advisory boards including Project COUNTER and CrossRef.