Ivy Anderson

Ivy Anderson is the Director of Collections at the California Digital Library, where she oversees a broad range of shared collections activities encompassing licensed content, management of shared print collections, and mass digitization on behalf of the ten campuses of the University of California system. Ivy’s professional interests and contributions center on issues related to licensing, scholarly communications, electronic resource management, and the intersection of electronic and print collection development. Ivy has led several open access initiatives at UC, including a pilot open access agreement with Springer in 2009-2010 and the University of California’s ‘first in the U.S.’ support for SCOAP3, the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics. Ivy currently serves on the steering committee for SCOAP3 and chairs its technical working group. She also led an ad-hoc group to develop a model author rights clause for use in library content licenses that was subsequently endorsed by ARL, and is a member of the PubMed Central Advisory Board. Before coming to the CDL in December 2005, Ivy was Program Manager for E-Resource Management and Licensing at the Harvard University Library, where she developed and managed a shared licensing program on behalf of Harvard’s many libraries. Prior to 1998, Ivy served as Head of Information Systems at the Brandeis University Libraries. Ivy holds a B.A in music from New York University and an M.L.S. from Simmons College. Before acquiring her library degree, Ivy pursued doctoral studies in music history and theory at Brandeis.