Fatt Cheong Choy

Fatt Cheong Choy started work as a mechanical engineer before he joined National University of Singapore as a trainee librarian in late 1983. He was initially involved in library automation projects and after obtaining his professional qualifications, he became a reference librarian.
He then moved to set up the new SAFTI Military Institute Library as Chief Librarian. In 1995 he joined Temasek Polytechnic to set up 2 diploma courses in information studies and library studies. He left as Principal Lecturer in 2000 to become an independent consultant and was also appointed Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Information in NTU where he taught courses on management and information topics. After 4 years on his own, he returned to academia as University Librarian at Nanyang Technological University.
He was President of the Library Association of Singapore (LAS) from 1997 to March 2005 and served as a member of the Board of Directors at the Singapore National Library Board (NLB) for 6 years until 2003. He remains active in LAS and is also currently a Board member of the International Association of Technological and Scientific Universities Libraries.