Evan Owens
Evan Owens began his career in publishing at The University of Chicago Press where he led the transition from paper-based to 100% electronic publishing by implementing technology solutions for every phase of the publishing process from authors submission to online hosting. He was co-investigator on the NSF grant to the American Astronomical Society that resulted in the first astronomy journal to go online in 1995. In 2003 he became CTO of Portico (a unit of ITHAKA), and led the development of Portico’s pioneering digital preservation archive for e-journals and other electronic content. Later as VP of Content Management at ITHAKA, he was responsible for production and production technology for JSTOR as well as Portico. In 2010 he joined the American Institute of Physics as CIO of the publishing division, now AIP Publishing, LLC. Evan has been active in the development of industry standards, including ISO 12083, the NLM DTDs, and NISO JATS. He has served on the NISO Architecture Committee, CrossRef technical working groups, and the British Library external technical advisory panel; he currently serves on the board of directors of NISO and of CrossRef. He has been a frequent speaker at events in the publishing and library communities since the 1990s, including AAP, AAUP, CESSE, CNI, DLF, NARA, NDIIPP, NISO, SSP, and STM.