Bas Straub

Bas has worked in publishing all his professional life and in academic publishing most of his life. He received a Ma in marketing and management of scientific publishing from the Amsterdam based Frederik Muller Akademie. His approach to publishing pivots around the following:

Publication development – Bas has launched around 60 scientific journals and other publications that have developed and found their way in the academic market. He is most proud of Epidemics- a journal on infectious disease dynamics which now has an impact factor of 3.63

Teachings, conferences, and publications – He serves as Course Director for the international publishing trade association STM where he teaches academic publishing in Singapore, Hong Kong, London, and Japan. He is a regular speaker at industry events like Academic Publishing Europe, Fiesole, and London Online. He delivers guest lectures on publishing at various universities worldwide. He is also a published author on academic publishing and organizer of scientific conferences.

Business development – Bas enjoys building businesses and building teams where he finds an open, honest, and people-oriented approach important. He wants these activities to succeed in an ethical and honorable way.