Ann Okerson
Since 1996, Ann Okerson has been at Yale, following experience in academic library management, the commercial sector, and as senior program officer at the Association of Research Libraries, where she was launched the new Scholarly Communications program.
In 1996, she organized the Northeast Researh Libraries consortium (NERL), a group of 27 large and over 50 smaller libraries negotiating for electronic information and engaging in other cooperative activities.
Ann is one of the active, founding spirits of the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC). Activities include many projects, publications, advisory boards, and speaking engagements around the world, as well as professional awards. She is a leader in licensing electronic scholarly resources, developing a model contract used by libraries and organizations everywhere. She is a Principal Investigator on several grants for building components of a Middle East Virtual Library and a Foundation grant for improving liberal arts teaching through use of library special collections.