Anders Karlsson

Anders Karlsson, PhD, joined in 2012 Elsevier as Vice President for Global Strategic Networks, to support Elsevier’s relations with key stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region. Before joining Elsevier, he was for five years Counselor for Science and Innovation at the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo (Japan), with a regional responsibility for Japan and South Korea.
Before serving as Science Counselor, he was for 10 years Professor in Quantum Photonics at the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. In year 2000 he was one of 20 researchers to receive the first Future Research Leader grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. He also held a special research fellow position 2001-2007 with the Swedish Research Council. His work, leading a consortium on advanced information technology, was awarded the EU René Descartes Research Prize in 2004 for excellence in collaborative research. He has been Visiting Scientist/Teacher at NTT Basic Research Labs, Stanford University as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar, École Polytechnique Paris, Zhejiang University and Advisor at Osaka University. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Engineering Physics, both from the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
He has a strong interest in science communication and is a frequent speaker on topics such as research management, science and innovation policy, and in how results from science translate into societal impact.
アンデーシュ・カールソン(工学博士)は、アジア太平洋地域の関係機関等との関係構築をサポートする担当者として、2012年にエルゼビアのグローバル・ストラテジック・ネットワークス部門に、ヴァイスプレジデントとして入社しました。エルゼビアに入社する前は、在日スウェーデン大使館 科学技術参事官として日本と韓国の責任者を5年間務めておりました。