American Psychiatric Association

Regular Member

In 1844, superintendents of the 26 U.S. mental hospitals decided that they needed to meet to discuss common problems with the care of people with mental illness and to work out practical solutions for improving patient care. The Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane was founded on October 16, 1844, at a meeting of 13 superintendents. In 1892, the Association’s name was changed to the American Medico-Psychological Association, which in 1921 became the American Psychiatric Association.

 The mission of the American Psychiatric Association is to

  • promote universal and equitable access to the highest quality care for all people affected by mental disorders, including substance use disorders;
  • promote psychiatric education and research;
  • advance and represent the profession of psychiatry; and
  • serve the professional needs of its membership.

The APA’s publishing division aims to create resources for clinicians and researchers in psychiatry and the mental health professions that benefit individuals living with mental health conditions. It provides journals, books, and digital products for psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, psychiatric residents, medical students, and the general public.