American Physiological Society

Regular Member
The American Physiological Society (APS) is a nonprofit devoted to fostering education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the physiological sciences. Since 1887, the APS has played a major role in the progress of science and the advancement of biomedical knowledge. In the years since the Society was founded by five noted scientists, the APS has grown to approximately 11,000 members. The APS sponsors one general scientific meeting in the spring that is devoted to the dissemination of newly acquired scientific information. The spring Experimental Biology Meeting is held in conjunction with other societies that are members of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). The APS is also a major publisher of journals and books on physiology. The journals of the APS include the American Journal of Physiology, the Journal of Applied Physiology, Physiological Genomics, the Journal of Neurophysiology, and Physiological Reviews. All of the journals are currently available online with the assistance of HighWire Press. The APS, in conjunction with the International Union of Physiological Sciences, also publishes a trends-type journal, entitled Physiology. Most recently, APS launched an open access journal, Physiological Reports, in partnership with The Physiological Society (UK) and the Scandinavian Physiological Society. In addition, APS posted all the content of its journals, back to 1898, online for the benefit of and use by scientists worldwide.
The APS also has an extensive education program designed to increase the participation of young people in the biomedical sciences including the physiological sciences. Since 1990, the APS has been providing high school and middle school teachers with an opportunity to work in a research laboratory. In addition, since 1966, the APS has been providing fellowships to minority students interested in working in the physiological sciences. In recognition of the Society’s commitment to developing the next generation of scientists, APS received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) in 2004. In addition, the APS regularly sponsors approximately two – three additional meetings per year, called the APS Conferences.