To confirm your sponsorship you must have completed an agreement and payment at least one month in advance of the event for your recognition to be included at the event and on the event webpage and app.
If sponsoring multiple events throughout the calendar year the agreement and full payment must be received at least one month in advance of the sponsored event that falls first in the calendar year.
If applicable to your sponsorship level and as per the sponsorship agreement. Discounted registrations must be finalised at least one month prior to the sponsored event.
* Prices may be subject to change in the event of significant currency fluctuations and/or the introduction of new taxes, up until final payment is received. STM will advise you at the earliest opportunity in the event of a price increase, whether because of a currency fluctuation, increase in taxes and/or a correction in advertised prices. Once final payment is received, all prices will be guaranteed and no surcharges will apply
** Registration is only for the day of the event sponsored
*** Name to be provided no later than one month prior to the event
Cancellation Terms: If STM finds it necessary to cancel, based upon non-payment in accordance with the terms of contract, or if any sponsor requests a cancellation of the assigned sponsorship, the sponsor will incur cancellation fees as follows:
a. 50% of total sponsorship value if cancelled one month prior to the event
b. 100% of total sponsorship value if cancelled after one month prior to the event