Due to unprecedented demand,
the STM US Conference has SOLD OUT
Here, we reimagine the ways we approach scholarly communications — broadly. Inventively. Collectively. To learn from one another, understand what opportunities might exist for new kinds of cross-disciplinary collaborations, and what innovations will better serve us to support the common good.
Join us in DC on April 26-27 to hear from speakers and panelists across a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Open to STM members and non-members — all are welcome — as we explore this year’s theme: Open and Trusted at Scale.
What to expect?
Expert experiences, first-hand. Front row seats to trends and innovations. Interactive discussions on topics equally relevant for funders, researchers, research institutions, libraries, government bodies, publishers and publishing services providers and beyond. Lightning sessions. And — some may say, most importantly — ample time for connecting, ideating and networking.
Even the venue breaks the mold. We’re convening at the National Union Building in the heart of DC — a unique six-story building, rich with character.
Register today and check back often as our program crystalizes over the coming weeks.
Conference Chair Delia Mihaila, Chief Publishing Officer, Academia.edu
Wednesday 26th April 2023
08:00 |
Registration, coffee & networking |
08:40 |
Opening & Welcome Sarah Tegen, Senior Vice President, Journals Publishing Group, American Chemical Society Delia Mihaila, Chief Publishing Officer, Academia.edu |
08:50 |
Telling the story of academic publishing Introduced by: Deborah Kahn, COPE Trustee, and Research Integrity Consultant Shane M Hanlon, Ph.D., Senior Producer with The Story Collider This session will explore and examine the value of storytelling in communicating science, for publishers of scientific content, and authors within the publishing system. It will provide insights into the science behind storytelling, message framing, the use of personal stories in the publication process, and ways in which stories can help prolong the life of scientific publications. |
09:35 |
Volume and impact growth, Open Access Moderated by: Caroline Sutton, CEO, STM This session will take a data-driven look at all aspects of the growth of open-access publication, including the impact of open access (OA), the growth in citations, and the analysis of top-cited articles, where top-cited researchers are now publishing. The session will also look closely into reasons for this growth and trendlines, and aim to set out some predictions of where publication output, growth, and open access may be in the future. Dan Pollock, Chief Digital Officer, Delta Think Joshua Schnell, Director, Academic & Government Global Consultancy at Clarivate |
10:20 |
Refreshment break & networking |
10:45 |
Impact of research Moderated by: Giulia Stefenelli, Chair of Scientific Board, MDPI This session aims to address ways in which the impact of published research can be measured, enhancing new impact metrics available in different regions through cross-institutional and interdisciplinary collaborations to identify the true impact of research globally. This includes, but is not limited to, reducing research waste, improving clinical practice, to determining governments to take measures that improve the climate or people’s lives by having an impact on society. Professor Cherry Murray, Deputy Director of Research at Biosphere2 The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and, internationally, the InterAcademy Partnership of over 140 national academies of science, engineering, and medicine worldwide as well as various scientific groups associated with the United Nations all hold convenings of experts and all publish scholarly reports for various audiences in order to make an impact on society. The output of the workshops and reports reference scientific publications and aim to provide science-based advice to policymakers, the public, researchers in a field, the leaders of academia, or funders of research. All of these organizations aim for greater impact, but how can one define and measure this? Cherry will describe what these organizations currently use as metrics. There is a need for more comprehensive and systematic tools in order to keep track of impacts that can sometimes be decades after the publication of the report. Melinda Kenneway, Co-founder and CEO of Kudos Shannon O’Reilly, Team Lead, Product Solutions for Altmetric and Dimensions, Digital Science Christopher Erdmann, Associate Director for Open Science, Michael J. Fox Foundation |
11:30 |
Publication models Moderated by: Delia Mihaila, Chief Publishing Officer, Academia.edu This session aims to answer some frequently asked questions or concerns related to the launch and development of open-access journals, and the challenges of ‘flipping’ journals from various models to a Gold Open Access model, while ensuring the volume would not affect the quality of the content and the publications would maintain their financial sustainability. The speakers representing different types of publishers will showcase specific examples and share the experience acquired in the process. We expect this session to be highly interactive. Richard White, Editorial Director, Springer Nature Giulia Stefenelli, Chair of Scientific Board, MDPI Dinesh Soares, Associate Publisher, ACS Publications, American Chemical Society Tom Ciavarella, Head of Public Affairs and Advocacy, North America, Frontiers |
12.30 |
Lunch and networking |
13:30 |
Innovation and incentives in peer-review models: responding to the market trend of faster processes and increasing volume Moderated by: Adrian Stanley, General Manager, JMIR Publications Traditional publication processes risk both slowing down science and wasting the insights from the peer review process. This session will explore recent initiatives which address this problem by combining the speed and openness provided by preprints with the trust and quality provided by peer review. What are the implications for the future of publishing? Anita Bandrowski, CEO, SciScore |
14:15 |
The scholars’ view Moderated by: Dr. Eric Freed, Director of HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute. At publishing conferences, we often talk about how to address science publishing problems or how to develop it further, and how to serve the scholars better, but often without involving the main stakeholders: the scholars themselves. This session aims to offer them a platform where they could share their views on topics like the peer-review process and the current different models, the incentives for scholars, the research evaluation, the research integrity, and publication ethics problems, the scholars’ needs, the future of publishing, etc. James E. Fowler, Program Director in the Communications and Information Foundations cluster of the Division of Computing and Communication Foundations in the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering of the US National Science Foundation Sean Collins, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Radiation Oncology, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital Claire Besson, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, George Washington University Lisa Boxer, Stadtman Investigator, Laboratory of Genome Integrity, National Institutes of Health Chenggang Tao, Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
15:15 |
Refreshment break & networking |
15:45 |
Working together across disciplines to meet the UN Sustainability Development Goals Moderated by: Joyce Lorigan, Group Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Lead, Springer Nature We share the latest data, techniques, and tools which help researchers work together across disciplines and channels, publishing research to meet the UN Sustainability Goals for a better world. A quantitative analysis of SDGs using Web of Science This session will provide a quantitate overview of SDG research based on Web of Science Core Collection data. The publication data in Web of Science is mapped to the UN SDGs, enabling a range of analyses. Ann will present the overall trends in SDG research, including breakdowns by publisher and open access status. We will also explore how the research mapped to SDGs aligns with our traditional journal categories. Jaron Porciello, Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame & Co-Founder, Havos.AI |
16:30 |
OA policies update Moderated by: Ann Gabriel, Senior Vice President for Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier In this session, we will receive updates on the status of the open access adoption in several regions of the globe, funder or government mandates in different countries, any challenges met, and measures aimed at assisting authors in the transition. Kazuhiro Hayashi, Director, Research Unit for Data Application, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Japan Jessica Tucker, Office of Science Policy, National Institutes of Health, USA Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Coord. eScience & Data Science program, FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) Andrew Stammer, Director, CSIRO Publishing |
17:30 |
Meeting wrap-up and close |
17:40 |
Drinks Reception |
Thursday 27th April 2023
08:15 |
Coffee & networking |
09:00 |
Opening & welcome – Delia Mihaila, Chief Publishing Officer, Academia.edu |
09:05 |
Ethics of scientific publication—deficient institutional responses Introduced by: Deborah Kahn, COPE Trustee, and Research Integrity Consultant Who is ultimately responsible for the integrity of the scientific literature, the enduring product of the research endeavor? Authors and reviewers clearly have a major role, but journals and research institutions should play their parts as well. Conflicts of interest and general pusillanimity, however, militate against the fulfillment of their obligations. Solutions to the problem will be proposed. David Sanders, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Purdue University is a virologist at Purdue University. He is also a scientific detective. He investigates deviations from the ethical standards of scientific publishing. He will present what he has found and propose some solutions. |
09:45 |
Research misconduct and publication ethics: improving transparency and collaboration between institutions, funders, and journals. Moderated by: Deborah Kahn, COPE Trustee, and Research Integrity Consultant This session will discuss the findings of a recent Working Group on the topic. Susan Garfinkel, Associate Vice President for Research Compliance, Ohio State University Sabina Alam, Director of Publishing Ethics and Integrity, Taylor & Francis Shara Kabak, Ph.D., Research Misconduct Officer, Veterans Health Administration |
10:30 |
Refreshment break & networking |
11:15 |
Flash session refocused – emerging technologies from the investor and analyst position – what you need to know! Moderated by: Adrian Stanley, General Manager, JMIR Publications This session aims to turn the traditional lightning session with new emerging startup technologies and products on its head, and hear from the perspective of the analyst and investor, what they think are the technologies and companies to watch over the next 3-5 years, why this is, and what lens and perspective are they looking at. All done with the overall theme of the STM conference in mind Open & Trusted at Scale. Lettie Y. Conrad, Ph.D., VP & Lead Analyst, Scholarly Communications, Outsell Inc. Steve Scott, Director of Portfolio Development, Digital Science Jessica Sebeok, Vice President for Global Government Partnerships & Public Policy, Wiley Deepika Bajaj, Consultant, VC Investments and Chair Product Leaders Forum, GTM Strategist |
12.00 |
Lunch and networking |
13:15 |
What keeps publishers awake at night & an update from the STM Integrity Hub In this session, Joris van Rossum, Product Director, STM Integrity Hub, together with a panel will report from the Integrity Hub Master Class held on April 25th. What are publishers’ largest concerns and issues around research integrity? How do emerging technologies like ChatGPT affect their work? Also, an update will be given on the STM Integrity Hub, and how it addresses these challenges. Sarah Jenkins, Acting Senior Director, Research Integrity & Publishing Ethics, Elsevier |
14:00 |
Practical aspects of making research data available Moderated by: Dan Valen, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Figshare With the recent issue of the Nelson memo, data availability has become even more important for publishers. We will hear about the experience of publishers and funders in implementing initiatives. Taunton Paine, M.A, Director, Scientific Data Sharing Policy Division, Office of Science Policy, National Institutes of Health |
15:15 |
Launch of STM Trends Moderated by: Heather Staines, Senior Consultant, Delta Think Sabina Alam, Director of Publishing Ethics and Integrity, Taylor & Francis Erin Foley, Senior Publisher Solutions Manager, Copyright Clearance Center Andy Heard, Senior Director and IT Business Partner, IEEE Simone Taylor, Publisher and Chief of Publishing Operations, American Psychiatric Association Aaron Wood, Head Product & Content Management, American Psychological Association |
16:30 |
Close |
Conference Program Committee:
Delia Mihaila, Chief Publishing Officer, Academia.edu
Joanna Ball, Managing Director, DOAJ
Amy Bourke-Waite, Senior Director, Communications, Clarivate
Deborah Kahn, COPE Trustee, and Research Integrity Consultant
Adrian Stanley, General Manager, JMIR Publications
Giulia Stefenelli, Chair of Scientific Board, MDPI
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