STM Start-Up Fair

Changemaking in action.

STM is inviting you to our first-ever Start-up Fair on December 6 in London, where the newest innovators present their cutting-edge solutions for STM publishing and scholarly communications — and you’ll have front-row seats with VIP access.

In collaboration with Karger’s Vesalius Innovation Award (VIA)

What’s this?

Scholarly communications is in the midst of a great reimagining. Long-established organisations are partnering with vibrant start-ups to drive change — to leverage technology and creatively advance trusted research. To zero in on early detection of integrity issues, spotting the best experts and peer reviewers, and automate knowledge extraction to smartly navigate extensive literature. 

STM’s Start-Up Day champions these changemakers. On December 6 — as part of STM Week held at the Congress Centre in London — we will convene a broad selection of the best and brightest drivers of change: the start-ups and entrepreneurs that are fueling innovation in scholarly communications. See our curated list of roughly 25 participating startups below.

In lightning presentations and live demonstrations, they will share their concepts — solutions ranging from research integrity checks, tools for knowledge discovery, and expert identification to extraction/discovery tools for navigating research literature — and beyond. Here, you will:

  • get a close-up glimpse of what’s next;
  • have the opportunity to ask the start-ups questions via live meetings and dedicated workshops;
  • cast your vote for the STM Popularity Award; and
  • experience the Versalius Innovation Award ceremony.



The Vesalius Innovation Award organized by Karger Publishers, and sponsored by Molecular Connections in collaboration with STM, is a high-standing award.
Now in its third year, this year will enjoy its first live ceremony. The award is granted to a ground-breaking start-up in publishing offering solutions to the knowledge cycle in health sciences. The Jury Verdict will be made public at the end of the fair. There will be a second award ceremony — STM Start-up Fair Audience Popularity Award — where the audience determines the winner via live voting. 





Welcome and opening by Eefke Smit, Director of Standards and Technology, STM
Time for attendees to wander around the booths and stands, watch demo’s, etc


Flash talks by each Start Up, 5 minutes each

Moderated by: Phill Jones, Co-Founder, Digital and Technology at MoreBrains Consulting Cooperative

Presentations by:, ImageTwin, Prophy, SciScore, ScientifyRESEARCH, Figcheck, Imachek, ProofigGetFTR (Get Full-Text Research), Radioteraquiz


Session: Accelerating Innovation: How to Scout Start-Ups for Partnerships?
Eefke Smit interrogates the professional scouts from Park 56/ The Next Web


More Flash Talks by Start-Ups, 5 minutes each

Moderated by: Phill Jones, Co-Founder, Digital and Technology at MoreBrains Consulting Cooperative

Presentations by: Appetence, ChronosHub, Every Author Pub, SciFlow, Audemic,, Global Campus,, Graphium, PSI Metrics, PeerRef, Reviewer Credits


Time to network while wandering around the fair, have your one-on-ones with the founders


Flash talks by each Start Up, 5 minutes each

Moderated by: Phill Jones, Co-Founder, Digital and Technology at MoreBrains Consulting Cooperative

Presentations by:,  ImageTwin, Prophy, SciScore, ScientifyRESEARCH, Figcheck, Imachek, Proofig, GetFTR (Get Full-Text Research), Radioteraquiz


Session: Accelerating Innovation: How to scout Start-Ups for Partnerships?
Eefke Smit, interrogates the scouts from Park 56/ The Next Web


More Flash Talks by Start Ups, 5 minutes each

Moderated by: Phill Jones, Co-Founder, Digital and Technology at MoreBrains Consulting Cooperative

Presentations by: Appetence, ChronosHub, Every Author Pub, SciFlow, Audemic,, Global CampusHum. works, Graphium, PSI Metrics, PeerRef, Reviewer Credits


Refreshment break and networking
Time to network while wandering around the fair, have your one-on-ones with the founders


Plenary Session: Vesalius Innovation Award
Welcome by Daniel Ebneter, CEO, and Marc Schindelholz, Head of Strategy, Innovation & Ventures, Karger


Presentations by the 5 shortlisted finalists for the Vesalius Award:, ImageTwin, Prophy, Sciscore, ScientifyRESEARCH


A word from our VIA sponsor Jignesh Bhate, Founder & CEO of Molecular Connections
Krishna K, Vice President – Business Development and Marketing, Molecular Connections


Award celebration, winners’ reaction


STM Audience Popularity Vote: results and close of the day


Reception drinks & networking

Participating Start-Ups

Get to know the start-ups that will be presenting their innovations, creative concepts, and tools designed to improve scholarly communications in bold, meaningful ways.

Pavel Overtchouk, MD
offers an automated way for article assessment and selection. It extracts insights, finds reviewers, and generates abstracts. It can also suggest journals for article submission. It uses machine learning (artificial intelligence), to analyze the constant flow of published information and displays it to users in a personalized fashion.
Finalist for the Vesalius Innovation award

Ivo Verbeek, Director 
Yuri Vorontsov, Head of Technology

Appetence In the transition to Open Access, Persistent Identifiers, high-quality metadata, and interoperability of systems are increasingly important. As a Solution Provider in Publishing, Appetence develops and implements an open-source Tool called the Event Based Metadata Store: connect your publishing workflows.


Joshua Mitcham, CEO & Co-Founder

creates audio versions of research publications and also generates excerpts and abstracts that help save time and organize knowledge.


Christian Grubak, Founder & co-CEO
Marianne Knudsen
, co-CEO
Romy Beard, Head of Publisher Relations

ChronosHub provides a platform for publishers’ workflow, with a focus on optimising the author experience. Your authors will remember how easy it was to select a journal and submit their article, see any charges both pre-submission and post-acceptance, sign their licenses and pay the charges – and they will thank you for it by returning time and time again.


Claire Hao, Founder & Director

Every Author Pub has writing, editing, and publishing training services on offer. It creates meaningful and effective exchanges between authors around the world and English speakers, making academic publishing eligible to any author, any place, any time, anywhere.

provides an image-checking tool, that uses artificial intelligence and neural network algorithms to detect the re-use of images in research publications, thereby flagging potential plagiarism or other integrity breaches in an automated and scalable way.


Heather Staines
GetFTR (Get Full-Text Research) is a service that provides streamlined access to scholarly content from discovery tools. The GetFTR service provides a bridge between discovery tools and publishers, enabling real-time subscription checking, signaling when content is accessible from within discovery tools, and fast links to the content.

Paul Tuinenburg, CEO and co-founder
Tijmen Altena, CTO and co-founder

Global Campus helps you find the right academic expert for peer review within seconds, based on the summary of the manuscript. The service combines a series of new technologies like semantic search and active learning (an AI technique). Easy and fast to use, basically every academic can be found in the dataset.


Sean Coutts, Co-founder & Director of Technology
Rachel Kirby,  Co-founder & Director of Operations

Graphium is a Saas product to generate knowledge graphs to structure collections of research documents, via topics extraction and relevancy scores using ai techniques. This enables researchers to explore and share their knowledge in new and innovative ways whilst also providing analysis of the overall research landscape of an organisation by identifying topic experts and areas of focus.

John Challice, Senior Vice President of Business Development Hum is a data platform that lets publishers collect and action behavioural data across all their digital properties. Hum’s platform unifies all people data (reader, author, reviewer, editor, librarian, etc), content performance data, and topical affinity data. Using AI, it enables segmentation and hyper-personalization both on- and off-platform, for both anonymous and identified audiences.


David Shawahi, Director of Business Development

Imachek presents a scalable solution that will streamline and simplify the image screening process and workflow that can minimize the risks involved with scientific integrity. It focuses on the automated detection of image duplication and image manipulation.

Patrick Starke, Co-Founder
Markus Zlabinger, Co-Founder

ImageTwin is the solution to detect manipulations and duplications in figures of scientific articles. By comparing the figures with a database of existing literature, problematic images will be identified within seconds for all relevant image types, including blots, microscopy images, and light photography.
Finalist for the Vesalius Innovation award


Cenk Özbakır, Founder offers a search tool and a central place to find Open Access articles, wherever they are. It is very fast, has sophisticated filters, and is fiercely independent according to their founders.

Andrew Pitts, CEO of PSI and Co-founder of the  
Debbie Wilton, Director, Marketing and Library Liaison, PSI and the  

PSI Metrics
PSI is working with publishers to provide access to data that will help them to understand their readership, and monitor changes, while also being able to report important information to funders, authors, and other stakeholders. This will help them to grow and evolve their OA publishing program for a successful future.

Using our comprehensive information about institutional identity and the geographical location of readers, PSI is piloting a unique dashboard service to help publishers identify where their ebooks and journals are being used.


Martijn Roelandse

Park 56
helps you scout the start-up companies that can accelerate your innovation using their own, homegrown global database and deep domain-specific expertise in the STM world.

Elliott Lumb, Founder & CEO
Tom Carney, Developer

is a journal-independent open peer-review platform. It helps researchers verify and improve research by organising peer review of preprints and publishing peer review reports. It also provides journal editors with verified research that can be published immediately.


Dror Kolodkin-Gal, Co-Founder

Proofig provides Automated Image Proofing for scientific publications. It entertains a cutting-edge AI solution for automatic identification of scientific image issues pre and post-publication. Very helpful for filtering out potentially fraudulent images from paper mill papers.

David Harvey, Head of Research and Business Development
Oleg Ruchayskiy, CFO

 is a referee finder utilizing a collection of 120M+ articles. It automatically creates a profile for every scientist, and rank them according to their semantic similarity to a refereed manuscript or proposal. Referee recommendations are based on AI and not just keywords.
Finalist for the Vesalius Innovation award


Maria Thereza Starling, Founder
Heitor Castro Cunha, Radioteraquiz counsel

is a go-to resource and educational app for personalized and gamified studying in Radiation Oncology. Provides Q&A, video and direct links to research articles.

Sven Fund, Managing Director

Reviewer Credits aims to make the peer review work behind the scenes more visible. With a Reviewer Contributor Index makes peer review more transparent and hence helps safeguard integrity.


Judy Mielke, Founder
Kate Gardner, Co-founder

ScientifyRESEARCH offers a curated and open funding database that will help researchers save significant time in their writing of research proposals and when seeking grants.
Finalist for the Vesalius Innovation award
Finalist for the Vesalius Innovation award

Carsten Borchert, Co-Founder & Managing Director

SciFlow makes it easier for researchers to write manuscripts together providing automated formatting according to author guidelines, editing workflows, and integration of reference managers and language services.

Martijn Roelandse

SciScore is an automated content checker of research publications and manuscripts, to verify common rigor criteria and research resources. It uses text mining techniques to do the job in minutes, providing a report to the editors, reviewers or authors about reproducibility criteria that have and have not been addressed.
Finalist for the Vesalius Innovation award



For further details please contact Eefke Smit, Director of Standards and Technology, STM

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Registration fees do not include insurance. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.


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