STM Preservation webinar


In celebration of Preservation Day, November 7th 

STM will be hosting a preservation webinar:
More Work To Be Done: Digital Preservation Challenges and Opportunities

Preservation of scholarly publications is a key responsibility for publishers and librarians and an essential component of ensuring the consistency and longevity of the scholarly record. While preservation processes are often invisible to the research community, they are absolutely critical to mitigating real risks of breakage when, for example, a publishing organization goes out of business or a journal ceases publication.

Fortunately, many publishing houses have solid preservation solutions in place using services like CLOCKSS, Portico, or others. At the same time, however, the hard reality is that there remains a significant number of publishers, often operating under tight budget and resource constraints, who still have quite a ways to go to ensure their content is secure for the long term.

Beyond the current state of affairs, the additional complexity that comes with an increasingly distributed scholarly communications record will pose further challenges to preserve the scholarly record. How do we preserve the underlying (raw) research data and research codes, and how do we retain linkages between articles, data sets, and other research output that are essential for reproducibility? 

Join us for a discussion on the importance of broadening participation in preservation and learn what considerations come into play in building a strong preservation foundation for the future.

Ian Mulvany, CTO, BMJ and Dryad Board Member

Alicia Wise, Executive Director, CLOCKSS

Kate Wittenberg, Managing Director, Portico

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