Day 2 US Annual Conference: Innovations Day 2019

STM US Annual Conference: Innovations Day

Friday 12th April 2019


Registration, coffee & networking



IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Senior Vice President of Research Integrity, Elsevier, Chair of STM’s Standards and Technology Executive Committee (STEC) and STM’s Future Lab Forum


Launch of STM Tech Trends 2023

Presented by Eefke Smit, STM Director for Standards and Technology

STM is launching its annual forecast of Technology Trends impacting scholarly communications and the STM industry. Come and hear what is new in the future vision of STM’s Future Lab forum and how you can prepare for it. The Band is playing a new song this year, you can be the first to hear it.


Roundtable: What these Tech Trends mean for your business

Chris Kenneally, Director content marketing,Copyright Clearance Center, (CCC) will be discussing the new Tech Trends in a round table discussion with 4 tech-savvy representatives of STM publishing houses.

You can hear the views of Future Lab chairman: IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Senior Vice President of Research Integrity, Elsevier,
Gerry Grenier, Sr Dir Publishing Technology, IEEE, (sponsor of Tech Trends) 
Priya Arora, Director, Product Strategy, Wolters Kluwer Health 
Max Gabriel, Chief Digital Officer, Informa & Managing Partner, Informa Ventures,Taylor & Francis
Sameer Shariff, CEO, Impelsys


Refreshment break & networking


Plenary Panel: Innovating Peer Review

Moderated by John Sack, Founding Director, Highwire

Peer Review is at the heart of value creation in scholarly publishing. The past decades have seen experiments with open peer review, post- and pre-publication peer review, demands for more transparency in case of blind, double blind and triple blind peer review, and quests for a reward system for reviewers who take all this heavy work on their shoulders. What are the real innovations in peer review that our sector needs? How to shape a better peer review process?

John Sack, Founding Director, Highwire

Jennifer Regala, Managing Editor, The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology, American Society of Plant Biologists

Brigitte Shull, Senior Vice President, USA and the Director of Scholarly Communications R&D, Cambridge University Press

Susan King, Executive Director, Rockefeller University Press

John Inglis, Executive Director, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Lunch and networking


Afternoon Keynote: Create Innovation in an Eco-system with Start-Ups

Yvonne Campfens, Campfens Consulting

Yvonne Campfens carried out a study of what happened to 121 start-ups in the STM sector since 2008. What kind of innovations were introduced by them, how did they arrange for their funding, were they acquired or have they managed to create beneficial partnerships with more traditional players in our space? This keynote presents an impressive amount of data and statistics on how start-ups are thriving and add a healthy plethora of innovation to the eco-system of our industry.


Dotcoms to watch: Cherishing Start-Ups in our Eco-system

Come and meet 4 new start-ups in scholarly communications. Our moderator, a senior person in our industry, engages in a discussion with new pioneers who have something to add and improve to how research is carried out and to how science is communicated and published.

Moderated by Todd Toler, Vice President, Digital Product Management, John Wiley & Sons 

5 start-ups present their solutions to improve scholarly communications.

Leslie McIntosh,, Irina Makkaveeva, Josh Nicholson,,

Tyler Whitehouse,


RA21: Research Access in the 21st Century,

Simple, Trusted Access – Anywhere, Anytime, on Any Device

The joint STM-NISO project for easier access to scholarly resources shares its results. This session will present and demonstrate the RA21 solution and associated best practice recommendations and what you need to know about implementation.

By Chris Shillum, VP of Identity and Platform Strategy, Elsevier, Ralph Youngen, Director of Publishing Systems Integration, American Chemical Society and Todd Carpenter, Executive DirectorNISO


Close of seminar


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