Asian Futures: Innovation in Research and Scholarly Publishing

Participants attending the Asian Futures event may also be interested in the 6th World Conference on Research Integrity event held also in Hong Kong 2 – 5 June 2019.  Please link to the WCRI website for more details.



STM is a global organisation with a worldwide membership. We have held regular member meetings in Europe and the US for many years. As part of our 50th birthday year we are now expanding these events into Asia with the first a new series of annual member conferences for the Asia Pacific region.  In 2018 China became the leading producer of scholarly papers and other nations in the APAC region are rapidly expanding too. We believe that STM publishing must now focus on this new dimension as never before.


  • The part being played by China, Japan and other leading countries in STM publishing in the region and the world
  • The role of APAC research funders and how they may interact with current developments in the rest of the world.
  • Specific initiatives of publishers, universities and finders in the region




Registration and refreshments



Jason Wilde, Chief Publishing Officer, AIP Publishing & STM Board Chair



Session 1: STM Publishing in the APAC region

Asian Futures: Evidence from the STM Report 2018
Michael Mabe, Chief Executive Officer, STM Association



APAC: market or chimera?

Panel discussion of the STM Report and reflections on STM publishing in the APAC region

Moderated by: Michael Mabe, Chief Executive Officer, STM Association

STM Panel: Lyndsey Dixon, T&F (Hong Kong), Anil Chandy, SN (Singapore), Deborah Wyatt, Director of Society Publishing, Wiley (Australia), Gert-Jan Geraeds, General Manager, KeAi (China)



STM Publishing and Asia

Keynote speaker Youngsuk “YS” Chi, Chairman, Elsevier



Refreshment break & networking



Session 2:

Global and Asian Perspectives on STM Publishing from Funders and Publishers

Landscape of Open Science in Japan

Keynote Speaker Yasushi Ogasaka, Director, Department of Database for Information and Knowledge Infrastructure, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)



Funding challenges for the future

Moderated by Mark Robertson, CHORUS Asia   

A panel of funders and publishers discuss recent initiatives and trends in open access and open science

Panel: Yasushi Ogasaka, Director, Department of Database for Information and Knowledge Infrastructure, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Tae-Sul Seo, Director, Open Access Center, Div. National S&T Data, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)

Chris Graf, Director, Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics, Wiley and Trustee of COPE

Prof. Jian Ma, CEO IRIS/ScholarMate



Lunch & networking



Session 3: Innovating the Asian Future

The latest edition of the STM Tech Trends Report 2023

IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Chair of STM’s Standards and Technology Executive Committee (STEC)



The Future of Research, A Report of a survey conducted by IPSO MORI and Elsevier 

Anders Karlsson, Elsevier (Japan), 



University, Libraries and Publishers discuss Asian Futures and Innovation              

Moderated by Lyndsey Dixon, Editorial Director, Asia Pacific Journals at Taylor & Francis

Anders Karlsson, Elsevier (Japan)

Zhu Qiang, Director of Shenzhen, MSU-BIT University Library

Louise Jones, Librarian at Chinese University of Hong Kong

Gabi Wong, Head of Researcher Support Services, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology



Refreshment break & networking



The View from China

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Wei Yang, Former President NSFC, Scopus China Academic Board






Close – Drinks Reception & networking



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