Advanced course in journal publishing | Asia 2023

Who should attend?

This course is designed to meet the needs of Early Career Publishers looking to advance their careers. To gain the most benefit from the course, participants should have one to three years’ scholarly publishing experience. Those with more experience can use this as an opportunity to refresh their knowledge and gain inspiration for taking those next steps in their career. Course content is well suited for professionals working in editorial, sales, marketing, or content management roles in particular, while those working in other roles such as finance, production, product development, technology or customer service will benefit from gaining a broader understanding of how their role sits within a broader context.

Scope of the course

During this Intense Journal Course, you will learn about aspects of scholarly publishing that are unique to our sector. Among other topics, the course will focus on journal editorial development, bibliometrics, publication ethics, how to prepare for and launch a new journal, key elements of journal marketing, and journals acquisition skills.  

Academic publishing is an international business that requires interpersonal skills that translate across academic cultures and world cultures. Dealing with people from all walks of life, and in different countries is an integral part of working in scholarly publishing and requires self-awareness and interpersonal skills. The course will explore how participants react in various situations, using the award-winning methodology of the Cultural Navigator as well as other discussion tools such as OCEAN and 16 personalities.

You will have an opportunity to apply what you have learned through a case study that will be presented in a group setting where you will be judged by senior industry leaders.

Organisation of the course

An outline of the topics covered and the speakers invited is provided below. The sections of the course have been devised to encourage interaction and the programmed has built in some flexibility to allow for more detailed discussions in key areas of interest and concern for the actual participants.Any “spare” time will generally be devoted to working on the case study. Therefore you should plan to stay the full 3 nights of the course (5th, 6th, and 7th March 2023) at the hotel even if you work and live in Singapore. All participants should strongly consider bringing their laptops. All participants will take part in their team’s oral and written presentations but it will be understood that for some of those attending English is not their first language.

For more information about organisational matters please contact Jo Dinnage, General Manager, Events & Sponsorship, STM 


The fee includes accommodation at The Village Hotel Katong for three nights. All meals and all tutorial costs are also included.

Course Director
Bas Straub
, Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, Frontiers

Course Tutor
Lyndsey Dixon, Global Journals Director, De Gruyter


Sunday 5th March




Welcome to Singapore and Introduction to the Course
Bas Straub
, Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, Frontiers
Lyndsey Dixon, Global Journals Director, De Gruyter




The essence of scholarly communication

Bas Straub, & Lyndsey Dixon, will provide a bird’s eye view of academic publishing, and introduce you to the STM


Introduction to the course
Knowledge, Interpersonal understanding and skills


Refreshment Break


Interpersonal understanding and skills
You will be using as well as to deepen your understanding of how to interact with people from different countries and cultures.


Case Study
Introduction to the case study.


End of the day and dinner

 Monday 6th March



Journal- and Portfolio development
Improving a publication – how to manage your editors and board – portfolio management: the total is more than the sum of its parts – marketing – holding a board meeting.


Launching a new journal
Pre-launch market research – finding the right editorial team – how to position a journal – stand-alone journals vs. Spin-offs – cascading journals – marketing the journal towards authors & readers.


Refreshment Break


The status of OA – Business Models – Sales
How is OA developing – Plan-S – OSTP – is there a future for subscription-based journals? – how to sell and who is the buyer of an academic publication. Special emphasis on Asia.


The Impact Factor and its associated metrics – developments regarding the ESCI – Clarivate, Scopus, and Dimensions – other citation metrics – other ways to research, steer, and manage your journals – sales models




Partnering & Society deals
How to grow your portfolio through partnerships & society deals


How to best market your publications towards readers, authors, and institutes – what tools and platforms are there – social media – allowing your authors, editors, and society to promote their publications.


Afternoon – Case Study


Dinner At the home of Professor and Mrs. K. K. Phua, World Scientific

Sponsored by World Scientific Publishing Company

Tuesday 7th March 



Production – Platforms & Tools
Submission platforms – Production workflow – XML – dissemination tools – new tools & initiatives – use of artificial intelligence.

Rokas Maliukevičius, Business Development Director, VTeX


Finances – modelling – profit
The elements of finance & economics as used in publishing – how to measure success & profitability – how to read a P&L


Refreshment Break


Legal – Contracts
What do you need to know as a publisher about copyright – contracts – agreements


Using some simple cases-studies we look at the ethical aspects of publishing – what is your responsibility as a publisher when it comes to unethical publishing behavior.




Research Integrity

We will be looking at threats to the integrity of what we as academic publishers do. How can we combat papermills, detect unethical publishing behaviour and what to do about tools like CHATGTP?

Deborah Kahn, COPE Trustee, and Research Integrity Consultant


Dinner at the hotel


Evening – Case Study

Wednesday 8th March


Start-ups – new developments


Case Study presentations


Refreshment Break


Award Ceremony


End, of course, followed by lunch

Event Terms & Conditions


Where an event has registration fees, cancellations made in writing up to 30 days before an event are eligible for a 50% refund. No refunds can be made for cancellations received on or after 30 days prior to the event date, however, substitutions may be made free of charge at any time.


Registration fees do not include insurance. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.


For more information about the personal data processed by STM Services, please refer to our Privacy statement