Pam Dixon
Pam Dixon is the founder and executive director of the World Privacy Forum, a US-based non-profit public interest research group well-known for its consumer privacy research. An author and a researcher, Dixon has written respected and influential studies in the area of privacy, including The Scoring of America, a groundbreaking report on predictive analytics and privacy co-authored with Bob Gellman. She has also written high-impact reports such as Medical Identity Theft, the first report on this topic, and The One Way Mirror Society, a report on digital signage networks and retail privacy, as well as a series of reports on data brokers, among others. Dixon has testified regularly before the US Congress, including the Senate Judiciary, as well as the US Federal Trade Commission, the FDA, and other agencies on prominent consumer data issues, including issues related to data security and privacy, data brokers, big data, health privacy, financial privacy and credit scoring, genetic privacy, the Common Rule, facial recognition, and online and offline privacy. Dixon is an expert advisor to the OECD and serves on its health data uses advisory group. In 2015 she was appointed to the editorial board of Harvard’s Journal of Technology Science. Her forthcoming reference volume on privacy and surveillance will be published in 2016 by ABC CLIO. Dixon appears in major media frequently, from the New York Times to CNN to PBS to the Wall Street Journal.