Adrian Mulligan
Adrian Mulligan is a Deputy Director of Research at Elsevier Ltd. He has 14 years of experience in STM publishing. The last 10 years he has spent in research have given him the unique opportunity to study the scholarly community. As well as managing large ongoing tracking programmes within Elsevier, he has conducted studies into researcher motivations and behavior, completed a study examining the core trends in scholarly publishing and recently, in partnership with Sense About Science undertaken a study that examines peer review. He has presented on these topics at various conferences, including STM conferences in Hungary, and Germany, the ICSTI Public Conference in France, most recently at ESOF in Turin, the AAP in Washington and earlier this year at APE in Berlin.
Adrian’s background is in archaeology with a B.A. Honours degree and a Master of Science from Leicester University. He also has a diploma in Market Research from the Market Research Society.