A member may retire from the Association at the end of any calendar year provided that at least two months prior notice has been given to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in writing. The STM Board may exclude a member from the Association if the annual membership fee has not been paid.
The STM Board may exclude a member from membership for not following the STM Code of Conduct or for indulging in any practices or activities that could bring the Association or scholarly, professional or scientific publishing into disrepute. A vote to exclude a member on these grounds must be carried by a majority greater than ten votes or two thirds of the full board membership.
The costs involved in the efficient functioning of the Association shall be met by membership fees from its members and the proceeds of activities undertaken by the Association. The annual fees shall be determined by the STM Board each year.
The duties of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall include:
The Agenda for the Meeting of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be determined by the STM Board.
Recommendations and decisions at meetings shall be by majority vote of those present and voting, except that in the case of a resolution to amend the by-laws it shall require a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting. Where individuals or organizations not being in membership are invited to attend meetings, the invited persons representing these organizations make take part in discussions but may not vote.
The STM Board, at its discretion, may submit resolutions, proposals and other matters to members for their approval via mailed ballots or electronic ballots. In such instances, decisions will reflect the votes cast by the majority of eligible voters, except that in the case of a resolution to amend the by- laws it shall require a majority of two-thirds of those eligible voters.
Voting rights in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) may only be exercised by representatives of those member organizations whose contribution for the current calendar year has been received by the board Treasurer at least 14 days before the meeting.
The duties of the STM Board shall include:
The composition of the STM Board shall be as follows:
Meetings of the STM Board shall be called:
The Chair shall normally preside at the meetings of The STM Board, the Executive Committee and The Annual General Meeting (AGM). In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair (Chair Elect) shall preside; if not present the Vice Chair (Treasurer) shall preside. In their absences, the STM Board, the Executive Committee and The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will appoint one of its members to preside at a meeting or at part of a meeting.
The duties of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the board shall include:
The STM Board may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority of two-thirds ((2/3) of the voting members in a special meeting at which at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members must be present.
On the proposal of the STM Board or on a written request to the STM Office in conformity with Article 7, these By-laws may be amended by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by a majority of not less than two thirds (2/3) of the votes of the members present. Amendments shall take effect on such date or on the fulfillment of such condition or conditions as the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall determine.
When versions of these by-laws are produced in other languages, the English language version shall always be regarded as the definitive text.
This version of the By-laws will come into effect as from 19 October 2021 and were formally approved at the Annual General Meeting on 18 October 2021.