Open Access Uptake by Countries/Regions

The top 30 countries/regions have been selected and ranked according to the number of 2023 articles, reviews and conference papers attributable to the country or region in which the corresponding author is based. Authors based in China continue to produce the greatest quantity of scholarly publications globally. In 2023, articles, reviews and conference papers authored in China accounted for 25% of total global output followed by the USA, 12%, India, 6% and the UK, 3%.  The European Union (identified as the EU27 after the exit of the United Kingdom) accounted for 17% of total global output.

In 2023, authors based in China contributed 19% of the world’s gold Open Access (OA) publication of articles, reviews and conference papers, and those based in the USA, 12%.  Authors based in the European Union contributed 24%.

Gold OA is the most used type of open access for all the top 30 countries/regions by output.



Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.



Gold OA is the most commonly selected OA type

…for authors in all the top 30 countries/regions. In twelve of the top 30 countries/regions, gold OA comprises at least half of total publications in 2023; United Kingdom (66%), Germany (58%), Italy (57%), Spain (63%), Australia (56%), Poland (67%), The Netherlands (74%), Saudi Arabia (58%), Egypt (51%), Sweden (80%), Switzerland (69%) and Portugal (60%). Mexico is also very near to achieving this milestone at 49%.  In only four countries/regions does gold OA account for 30% or less in 2023; China (30%), India (19%), Iran (30%), and Turkey (26%). 




Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.



Gold OA is available for the majority of articles, reviews and conference papers

…for authors in all of the top thirty countries/regions (by volume of output). The availability of gold OA exceeded 90% in eight of these; the United Kingdom (92%), Spain (91%), Australia (94%), Brazil (93%), The Netherlands (93%), Sweden (94%), Switzerland (91%) and Portugal (91%). Gold availability fell below 80% for five of the top 30; China (78%), India (77%), Malaysia (79%), Russian Federation (66%) and Thailand (79%) in 2023.




Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.



Authors increasingly selected gold OA for their publications

…in all of the top 30 countries/regions except India and Brazil. The greatest increase in the selection of gold OA, in terms of share of publications where gold OA was available between 2013 and 2023, can be seen in Sweden (58%), The Netherlands (57%), and Switzerland (50%). In 2023, gold OA was selected in 50% or more cases for nineteen of the countries/regions shown.  Japan was extremely close to reaching this milestone with a 2023 selection rate of 49.49%.




Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.



Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.


Leading regions and groupings in total article outputs and OA

Authors in Asia, as a region, produced almost half (48%) of global articles, reviews and conference papers in 2023.  Authors in Europe produced almost one quarter (24%) while authors in the Americas produced 17% (North America 14% and South America 3%) , followed by those based in Africa (3%), South America (3%) and Oceania (2%).  Authors based in the European Union produced 17% and those based in countries and regions eligible for Research4Life funding produced 4%. 

Many countries/regions in Europe are leaders in embracing open access and 58% of publications authored in Europe (as a geographical region, not the European Union) were gold OA in 2023.  Gold OA is now the dominant article type in Africa and Oceania, exceeding subscription-only publishing.  Gold is also on the cusp of overtaking subscription-only publishing in South America and Research4Life eligible countries and regions.

Research4Life provides institutions in lower and middle-income countries/regions with access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. This chart shows the aggregated total output of articles, reviews and conference papers by authors based in eligible countries/regions. The share of gold OA for these countries/regions in 2023, at 43%, exceeds the global figure of 38%.



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