Open Access Uptake Based on Funded Research

The top 25 global funders have been selected and ranked by number of articles, reviews and conference papers published in 2023 that were based on funded research. The top 25 global funders financed research that contributed to 30% of global articles, reviews and conference papers in 2023.  Output based on research funded by the top 25 funders in aggregate demonstrates a clear and increasing preference for gold OA. For seven of the top funders, gold OA exceeds all other access types, including subscription.

For all the funders shown, gold represents the greatest share of OA articles and the opportunity to make publications based on funded research gold OA has become increasingly available over the period.



Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.



Delving deeper

For six of the top 25 funders, gold OA comprised at least half of total publications in 2023 (European Commission, German Research Foundation (DFG), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Ministry of Economy and Finance-Spain, The Ministry of Education and Science, Portugal and the Australian Research Council). On the other hand, for five of the top funders, gold OA was used for less than 30% of published articles. These include some of those whose funding led to some of the largest numbers of publications in 2023, such as the National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Education, China. In 2023, the opportunity to choose gold OA applied to more than 80% of output for all but one and applied to 90% or more for fourteen of the funders listed. 




Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Made with Flourish


In 2023

… at least three quarters of publications based on funded research for all of the top 25 funders was or could have been gold OA.  For fourteen of the top funders, this applied to 90% or more of articles.


Gold represents those publications where the final published version of an article (Version of Record) is freely and permanently available online immediately on publication for anyone, anywhere to read. This includes articles in hybrid journals. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Green represents those publications where a version of an article is publicly shared online, often as an Accepted Manuscript.  To support a sustainable business model, publishers may maintain an embargo and/or may retain an Exclusive License to Publish. Articles, reviews and conference papers are counted as Green open access only if they are not also Gold. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Bronze represents those publications that are made free-to-read on the publisher’s website, but are not identified as gold for one of the following reasons: access for a limited duration, an unclear license, or a license that is clear but is not a Creative Commons license. See Methodology and Notes for more information.

Subscription-only represents those publications that are available through individual or institutional subscriptions, individual purchases, or other programs (e.g. Research4Life) but not available through Open Access.  See Methodology and Notes for more information.



Increases for all top 25 funders

The rate of selection of gold OA when it was offered has increased since 2013 for all funders shown. The greatest increases in selection of gold OA over the period can be seen in publications based on research funded by Ministry of Economy and Finance, Spain and Ministry of Education and Science, Portugal. For seven of the top 25 funders, authors selected gold open access in more than 50% of cases where it was offered in 2023; UK Research and Innovation (United Kingdom), Ministry of Economy and Finance, Spain, European Commission, German Research Foundation (DFG), Ministry of Education and Science, Portugal, Australian Research Council and National Institute of Health (USA).


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