Eric Amponsah Amoaful

Mr. Eric Amponsah Amoaful is one of the three Research4Life Country Connectors representing the Ghana Library Association. He is responsible for connecting and supporting academic and research institutions in the Southern Sector of Ghana.
He holds an MPhil in Information Studies, an MA in Distance Education and E-Learning, and a BA in Information Studies from the University of Ghana, Legon.
He consults as Head of Projects for Aniwa Systems, an information systems development firm. He has worked as a Distance Education Tutor in Information Studies in the School of Continuing and Distance Education, University of Ghana, and an Assistant Librarian in the Balme Library. He has served in various leadership roles in the University of Ghana Library System, including, Head of the Electronic Resources Unit, Head of the Students’ Reference Library, Head of the Population and Social Science Library.
He has also served as a resource person for a number of training workshops on library support services, reference management tools, and ICT tools for research for various institutions including the Ghana Library Association, the Pan-African Doctoral Academy (PADA), the Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA), the Ghana Library Authority, Elsevier Africa, the Ghana Institution of Engineers, among others.