STM Day 1 US Annual Virtual Conference 2020

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

***Please note: recordings of STM virtual events will only be made available to registered attendees

Open science and the future of research communication
new trends, challenges, partners and opportunities

The drive for open science is both an exciting opportunity and a challenge for those involved in the communication of scholarly research.  We will start with gaining a deeper understanding of the goals of open science and include a panel to debate open science from the point of view of difference stakeholders.

Join us as our speakers and panellists discuss some of the possible ways we can adapt and thrive.

Programme (Timings subject to slight change)


Virtual conference login


Welcome & opening – Jayne Marks, Vice President Global Publishing, Wolters Kluwer Health
STM CEO welcome - Ian Moss, Chief Executive Officer, STM Association



Open Science Challenges and Opportunities: A Funder’s Perspective
Introduction Jayne Marks, Vice President Global Publishing, Wolters Kluwer Health

Keynote speaker: Arthur Lupia, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation Head, Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate

In his keynote address, Arthur will review the steps that the National Science Foundation has taken towards Open Science and outline what the NSF and other funders can do to drive further progress going forward.


Executive debate: What is the future of pre-prints?

Moderated by: Ian Moss, Chief Executive Officer, STM Association

Pro: Jessica Polka, Executive Director, ASAPbio

Con: Kent Anderson, Founder, Caldera Publishing Solutions


Break & networking


The evolution of the book

Moderated by:  Niko Pfund, President and Academic Publisher at Oxford University Press

Lisa McAllister, VP Medical Books, Wolters Kluwer Health

Henning Schoenenberger, Director, Product Data & Metadata Management, Springer Nature

Simone Taylor, Publisher, AIP Publishing


Public Access - Where Are We Now?

Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS

It’s been 7 years since the US OSTP public access mandate of 2013 that led to the formation of CHORUS. Much has changed and some things have stayed the same. Howard Ratner will review the progress made and obstacles that still exist in this ecosystem of meeting public access mandates and how CHORUS is helping to make monitoring compliance easier for everyone.


The price transparency project

Alicia Wise, Director, Information Power


Break & networking


Content marketing 2.0:  Get your article read

Moderated by: Erik-Jan van Kleef, Head of Business Development, SciencePOD

What’s putting the brakes on Open Science? Open Science will only see its real potential when the work of scientists becomes known and is understood beyond their inner circle. Simply making research widely accessible through Open Access is not enough; this does not make it understood.

This session will discuss how publishers can use ‘content marketing 2.0’ approaches to improve researchers’ chances of fostering multidisciplinary collaboration and responding to the increasing demands from funders and wider society for accountability.

Key questions to be answered in this session: 

  • As the market demands more than just publishing solutions, where does content marketing fit in the new suite of value-add services made available to authors?
  • What content strategies can publishers adopt to develop value-added content for disseminating original OA research to wider target audiences?
  • How can content marketing support the uptake of OA articles in transformational APC deals? Who should fund such activities?

Our panellists will examine these questions and propose solutions that address these new challenges.

Melissa Blaney, Senior Director of Global Marketing, ACS Publications

Marianne Calilhanna, VP Marketing, Data Conversion Laboratory

Pablo Dominguez Andersen, Senior Communications Manager, De Gruyter


Break & networking


Delivering open science: Challenges faced by key stakeholders

Moderated by: Dean Sanderson, Managing Director, Magazines and Partner Services, Springer Nature

Researcher: Dennis Brown, Chief Science Officer, American Physiological Society
Publisher: Alison Mudditt, Chief Executive Officer, PLOS
Funder: Michael Stebbins, PhD, President, Science Advisors, LLC

Meeting wrap-up & close
Jayne Marks, Vice President Global Publishing, Wolters Kluwer Health
Close of Annual Conference Day 1


Executive Planning Committee:

Chair – Jayne Marks, Vice President Global Publishing, Wolters Kluwer Health
Alison Denby, VP Journals, Oxford University Press
Dean Sanderson, Managing Director, Magazines and Partner Services, Springer Nature

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