Charles Thiede

Charles Thiede has over 20 years experience in developing online products for financial services, healthcare and media companies.

Charles founded Zapnito in mid 2013 after realising that media was being disrupted by new entrants and saw a convergence between publishing and business services. Publishers had to provide services and service companies had to start thinking like publishers.

Zapnito started out as a marketplace of experts in business information but pivoted to become a white label expert knowledge network SaaS platform for the new digital and knowledge economies. As traditional brands lose market share and are disrupted by new entrants, Zapnito helps them bring the expert conversation back to the brand vs. perpetuating futher brand fragmentation and noise like quora, linkedin, youtube and facebook.

Before Zapnito, Charles was the CTO at Informa Business Information and later the interim Digital Systems Director and interim Chief Product Officer at Nature Publishing Group where he helped transform the business prior to the merger with Springer.

Charles is from San Francisco Bay Area, and has been based in London for 9 years. He has a four year old daughter and spends his days focusing on growing Zapnito and is learning guitar badly in his spare time.